Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Castle Crashers

Dynafire, RyuBlitz, ZMaine, and I have had fun playing this unique 2D XBL Arcade game this weekend. I had been seeing more people saying good things about this little game, so I had to check it out.

I think it was around 1,200 MS Points, so it's a small investment for a lot of fun with friends and a few good laughs for sure. It is simple, but somehow sucks you into playing for hours on end!

This game has some fun, almost old school action. It's fun because it's kind of like a Battletoads, Double Dragon, or one of the many other multiplayer, side-scrolling fighting game. There's a lot of button mashing, coin collecting, and quality enhancement but when you're playing with friends and laughing at some of the gameplay, it really adds to this video game's appeal.

The one thing that really sets this independent game apart, is the very unique artwork, funny gameplay, and the multiplayer platform through Xbox Live. If you're looking for a fresh little game to enjoy for awhile, I'd say this might be a fun one to try...

Written by GatheringofGamers.com Member: BEN

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